Taming the overwhelm monster

Overwhelm is real and it manifests in all areas of life – work, relationships, health.

When I had previously tried to get myself healthy, I got caught up in short term thinking. “I need to get this weight off, I need to get it off NOW”…and so on. We all want the quick fix, am I right??

This led to me being completely overwhelmed and ‘stuck’ for years, and not taking action…because it was ‘easier’. The road from here to there just seemed too daunting.

When I changed my mindset, it literally changed my life.

I started being intentional about my goals and viewed it as a process and a journey. It hugely reduced my overwhelm and inspired me to take action to get to my destination.👍

Break it down into steps.
– Prepare your meals the night before to take to work
– Get up 30 mins early and go for a power walk
– Take a 1.5 litre water bottle to work and aim to drink two per day

And of course, practice gratitude every day.
Simple, practical steps that will take you closer towards your goal without the overwhelm.👊

Author: deeverrall

I'm passionate about what I do - helping you to see past your limiting beliefs, challenging the stories you tell yourself about why you can't, and saying goodbye to the stuff that's killing your soul.

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