Confessions of an introvert

Growing up as a shy quiet child and an awkward (but popular) teenager, I have always believed that being introverted is a bad thing. However as an introvert in an extroverted world, I have discovered that ‘resting bitch face’ and the need to be alone and have privacy are not necessarily bad things.

As a child, I craved alone time to dream and create and write and read. My childhood was blissful and happy and although we didn’t have much money, I loved growing up with my two sisters and my parents who always bent over backwards to give us a safe and happy life. However I was acutely aware of never having enough privacy. I was always having to share a bedroom with first my older sister, then my youngest sister. We lived in a tiny 3 bedroom house in suburban Adelaide which thankfully had a huge backyard, as houses did in those days. The backyard often became my escape from the family, to lie on the back lawn under our gigantic willow tree and read or dream.

Privacy and space to be alone was extremely rare and I never fully understood that almost obsessive need to be by myself. Just as an extrovert feeds off the energy of being social and chatty, too much of this activity drains and overwhelms an introvert. The need to be alone to recharge our batteries and process everything becomes all consuming. I also dislike talking on the phone, apparently another introvert quality – we hate small talk!

There is this misconception that introverts hate people, yet many of us end up in jobs which involve customer service, relationship management or helping others. Trust me, I don’t hate people (well not all the time!) Many introverts learn to wear the mask of an extrovert because we have learned the value that society places on extroverted qualities.

Introverts usually do not require energy and inspiration from others, but are able to find it within themselves. They tend to be planners, are self driven and work well independently, therefore tend to make good leaders.  I’ve always been good at kicking my own butt, which comes from an inner strength cultivated through years of quiet introspection.

Introverts are better at savoring ‘me’ time – great news for fitness enthusiasts. To recharge your batteries, there is no better way to get that than going to the gym, going for a walk or undertaking some other physical activity. This may not be crowded gyms or group fitness, and may involve a preference to work out at home or walk/run/cycle etc.

I have learned that being an introvert is actually quite a good thing and I am proud to say that these quirky qualities make me who I am. Understanding my personality type has brought me great clarity, awareness and also a degree of peace in knowing I deal with the world in a different way. I’ve learned my triggers and I recognise what I need to do for myself when I start to feel overwhelmed or drained by life. I used to think something was wrong with me for not wanting to talk to people on the phone, or needing to be in control in social situations and having an ‘escape’ plan. I can now say with conviction “I’m an introvert, I can’t change who I am and nor do I want to. Deal with it”

Are you hiding?

img_2968When I’m not ‘feeling it’ with my training and nutrition, I know something else is going on with me. I’m aware that I’m not always going to feel motivated and I am pretty good at taking the emotion out of it and doing what needs to be done to get to where I want to be. However I sometimes feel out of alignment and, well, a bit frigging stuck!

If it’s not immediately obvious to me what’s going on, I know that I am ‘hiding’. Hiding my fear, my self doubt, my limiting beliefs and my anxiety. They are always there, that’s a given, but it’s when I start to hide from myself and lie to myself that the wheels start to fall off a bit.

We are human, we are not perfect and we are not always going to ‘feel it’ when it comes to doing life well. We all have a tendency to retreat into ourselves when life gives us lemons.

When I tune in to what’s really going on with me, I give myself permission to acknowledge and examine my own fears. That it’s safe for me to do so, there is no judgement and I can come out of hiding and face my fear and ‘stories’ I tell myself.

When I don’t buy into my own bullshit but give myself space to acknowledge and accept it, I can move past the stuck place fairly quickly and get back to showing up and doing the work.

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Going it alone…and a couple of more pics

It’s taken a while for me to get my butt into gear and post on this blog. I really didn’t think I would leave it as long as I have. Excuses – well it has been pretty crazy the last 2 weeks, I’ve had another birthday (42 now, woo hoo!) and generally the lead up to Christmas is just nuts. But they are excuses, and truthfully I’ve also been a bit reluctant to post. I’m not sure why. Maybe it is to do with ‘post 12wbt blues’ and being unsure as to how I feel?! I am going to make a concerted effort to post here every couple of days, as I feel it helps me to keep on track and reflect on my progress.

As I’ve posted previously, I have now finished two rounds of the Michelle Bridges 12WBT and I have decided to go it alone for the next 3 months/12 weeks and see how I go. I have previously downloaded her Advanced Lean & Strong program which is pretty much a body sculpting/body shaping program, focusing on heavy lifting and minimal cardio. For the past two weeks I’ve been following this faithfully. My weight has pretty much stayed the same but has gone back up to 57 kgs. I know this is to be expected based on other girls’ experiences of the program – the focus is not so much on weight loss and fitness, but on building muscle. Therefore the scales are probably going to be a little crazy and this is when I really need to focus on my measurements and photographic ‘evidence’.

I must admit, I do feel somewhat lost without the 12WBT. I really loved the structure of it and not having to think – just do! The menu plans and programs were all set out for me and all I had to do was the weekly grocery shop and follow each day’s menu plan, and do the training for the specific day. Also her mindset videos and pep talks were awesome and I miss those too. Although I am still following the program unofficially, I am now having to do my own menu planning which is time consuming. I have actually printed out an old menu plan this weekend and I am following that, so it wasn’t as time consuming as Week 1. I may just do that from now on, rather than coming up with a week’s worth of meals from scratch. I can print off one of Michelle’s weekly menus and make a few tweaks here and there – much easier for time poor me.

I am loving the Advanced Lean & Strong. I feel so powerful lifting those heavy weights and although it hurts like hell on the last few reps, I have not been a wuss and I have seen it through. I think my muscle definition is pretty awesome (I am lucky that I have always put on muscle relatively easily) and I just need to drop a little more body fat to really see my results. I am trying hard to be patient (again, not my virtue!) as I know that in the last month, we ramp up the cardio to really strip away the fat. I’ve decided if I’m not entirely happy with the end result, I’ll do another round of 12WBT and do Advanced Lean & Fit or the 10KM running program to really get lean.

Nutrition – it hasn’t been too bad but if truth be told, Ive probably eaten over my calories most days. Given my birthday celebrations have dragged on for 5 days now, there has been way too much cake, chocolate, wine, fast food and general processed crap in my diet. I am preparing myself for a gain on the scales come Wednesday but I totally own that. As from tomorrow, it is back to clean eating and getting re-focused. I know I have let my nutrition slide somewhat over the past 2 weeks and I think I am hungrier with the heavier lifting, but I am trying not to blow my calories too much over the 1200 for each day and certainly not blow it on some of the garbage I’ve been putting into my body.

Here’s a couple of selfies that I took a couple of weeks ago at the same time as my end of round pics 🙂



New photos and updated measurements are up

I’ve posted pics of Week 8 to my photos page and updated my measurements and fitness stats on my measurements page.

stop giving up

I wasn’t wearing a spray tan in these latest photos and there doesn’t appear to be much difference between Week 4 and Week 8. In truth, I haven’t lost all that much weight in the last four weeks, ‘only’ 700grams and my measurements generally reflect this. However my legs are getting leaner, which is a great thing as I really want to lose fat off my thighs and my tummy as the stubborn areas. Small losses all round and definitely improvements (I haven’t got bigger anywhere).

I think the major difference overall is my fitness. As mentioned in my previous post, I shaved 22 seconds off last month’s time in the 1kilometre running time trial. I did 45 pushups in a minute (10 on my toes, 35 on my knees) which smashes my previous attempts. My wall sit was 50 seconds longer than last month. My flexibility has almost doubled and I can nearly do a level 3 full sit up. I feel so much stronger – its just incredible how different I feel to way back in May/June this year. I never want to go back to that.

These mini milestone weeks are awesome in that they definitely tell you where you are and how you are tracking against your goals. There is no cheating or arguing with the stats! I have almost been in maintenance mode these past couple of weeks and as I’ve already flagged, I need to be more disciplined with my nutrition if I’m going to drop more body fat. Although I’m fitter (I’ve not missed any training sessions and have been giving my all), my stats prove again that weight loss is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. My choices in the nutrition department have let me down in the weight loss arena and is something I am going to work hard on for the next 4 weeks.  Eat clean, train mean!


Burned legs

Yesterday I went to the beach with my son. It was a beautiful 27C day here in Adelaide. Unfortunately, my lower legs and my arms got sunburned 😦  I did put on sunscreen but later in the day, not before we arrived. Silly me. I am in so much pain now I can barely walk. I was going to go to the gym this morning to take advantage of a free 7 day pass at my local fitness centre, but I’m in so much pain (and look ridiculous too) that I’ll stay home and do my weights here, probably with much grimacing and groans.
I’m so cross with myself!

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